CHEMISTRY Practical exam 9701/31 & 32- Tools and Apparatuses


Dear Students,

Please find below the instructions related to your Chemistry Practical Exam tools and apparatuses


Candidates will be receiving the following tools from the school starting Saturday 25th of May 2019:

  • White tile and test tube holder
  • Burette 50 cm
  • Pipette 2cm and funnel
  • Thermometer
  • 2 stand clamp, boss
  • Pipette Filter

Students are asked to pay 2000 L.E to be refunded totally if:

  1. Tools are returned on time (Thursday 30th of May).
  2. Tools are returned with no damage.

Or else the total amount will be deducted.

Each student has to bring his/her own:

  • - stop watch
  • -Pen for labeling  glass wave



BRS Coordinator


British Ramses School, 2014, is an international school that follows the Cambridge Primary and IGCSE curricula. The school is an affiliate of the Evangelical Synod of the Nile - the Higher Council of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Egypt.